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How to prevent your child from being bitten by a dog

How to prevent your child from being bitten by a dog

Approximately 5,000 dog bites are recorded each year in Ontario and occur more often to children. As children are smaller,...
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How to prevent serious slip and fall accidents

Adults 65 and older are predominately more at risk for falls, which can dramatically reduce their active lifestyle and independence....
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How to keep your mind healthy and fit

How to keep your mind healthy and fit

People with strong minds live richer and more fulfilling lives. No matter your age, you can always work on keeping...
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How to drive safe and confidently in a summer storm

How to drive safe and confidently in a summer storm

Summertime creates some absolutely picturesque thunderstorms that are a treat to watch from a porch as they roll in across...
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How to avoid impaired driving in any situation

How to avoid impaired driving in any situation

It’s only natural to want to soak up as much as the summer warmth while it’s still here. That means...
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95% of hip fractures occur because of falls, learn how to prevent them

95% of hip fractures occur because of falls, learn how to prevent them

Winter is hard on everyone, not just those over a certain age; it can be socially isolating, physically back-breaking and...
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Educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of brain injuries

Educate yourself on the signs and symptoms of brain injuries

Despite the use of imaging technology like CT scans and MRIs, mild traumatic brain injuries are difficult to diagnose. June...
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Brain injury expert believes culture of hockey needs to change

Brain injury expert believes culture of hockey needs to change

Dr. Charles Tator was an avid hockey player in his youth, playing almost every day well into his 20s. In all of...
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A surprising number of injuries happen in airports

A surprising number of injuries happen in airports

“A lot of people don’t get to go abroad too often, so when they do it can be both a...
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